Stop by the Research Help Desk with assignment questions. Staff and students are happy to help you find articles and evaluate sources. 

Research Help

Visit the Circ Desk to check out or return items, request Course Reserves, or get help finding books. Course Reserves

Circulation Desk 

Voskuyl Library offers free group tutoring for many GE courses! Build study skills and practice for exams with a trained Peer Tutor. 

Tutoring Program

If you need a book or article that is not available at the Westmont Library, borrow it from a different college! Simply fill out the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) form and we will get it to you as soon as possible. 

Interlibrary Loan

Librarians exist to connect students to academic resources. Our four Liaison Librarians each specialize in several majors and are available for research help. 

Dr. Jana Mayfield Mullen, Library Director

Liaison areas: Communication StudiesEconomics and BusinessHistoryKinesiologyNursing, and Religious Studies

Diane Ziliotto

Liaison areas: EnglishModern LanguagesMusicSociology/Anthropology, and Theatre Arts. Plus, she runs the College Archives

Lauren Bedoy

Liaison areas: Education/Liberal StudiesPhilosophyPhysicsPolitical Science, and Psychology

Dr. Theresa Covich

Liaison areas: ArtBiologyChemistryComputer Science, and Math

Read more about the Librarians and their services

Lower Level - 1

  • Quiet Study Zone: a cozy space to be productive! Use headphones and take conversations outside. 
  • VL 116 Education Lab and Reading Room: where curriculum for Liberal Studies program is kept. A great place for a small group. 
  • VL 104 and 106 are on the outside of the building on the side closest to Adams.
  • VL 108 is outside at the back of the building.

Main Level - 2

  • Research Help Desk: collaborate with Librarians and trained student staff to find and evaluate sources. 
  • Collaborative Study Spaces, MediaScape Study Rooms, Walk Stations: a space to study together at a normal volume. 
  • Learning Commons Computers & Printers 
  • Conference Room (VL 216): can be used for group or individual study if it hasn't already been reserved. 
  • Instruction Lab with computers (VL 214): can be used for studying or practicing presentations when there isn't a class happening. 
  • Writers' Corner: collaborate with trained student writing tutors to workshop your writing at any stage of the process. 
  • VL 203 and 204 are outside of the building on the side facing the mountains and Page. 

Upper Level - 3

  • Study Rooms: study as a group at a low volume. 
  • Quiet Study Area: the windows facing the mountains and Page are meant for silent study. 
  • Elizabeth Delaney Hess Reading Corner: comfy chairs in a corner of the Library in memory of an English professor who passed away in 2018. 
  • There is seating around the stairs and in the corner closest to Adams. 
  • Classroom (VL 307): can be used for studying when there isn't a class happening. 
Get Involved at the Library!